18. 11. 2024Vabljeni, da se udeležite dveh spletnih seminarjev v decembru 2024. Oba seminarja organizira MicroDrink projektni partner Eurofins.
Namen obeh spletnih seminarjev je dopolniti znanje o mikroplastiki ter o metodah vzorčenja in analitičnih tehnikah za določanje mikroplastike v vzorcih pitne vode v porečju reke Donave.
1. spletni seminar: Micro(knowledge) transfer webinar for sampling, laboratory instruments and analytical techniques
Datum: 4.12. 2024, 10:00, trajanje 1 uro.
Kratka vsebina: The webinar will give an overview of sampling and analysis methods for the detection of microplastics in drinking water and laboratory instruments used for this purpose. Additionally, the webinar will cover deliverables completed as part of MicroDrink’s Specific objective 1: Developing transnational knowledge base on microplastics in Danube region drinking water resources. The webinar will conclude with a presentation of the MicroDrink Knowledge Base:
2. spletni seminar: Micro(knowledge) transfer webinar on general state of the art of microplastics in drinking water resources
Datum: 16.12.2024, 10:00, trajanje 1 uro.
Kratka vsebina: This webinar aims to fill in the knowledge gaps of relevant stakeholders regarding the occurrence of microplastics (MP) in various hydrological environments in the Danube River Basin under different anthropogenic pressures. The webinar will include:
• An introduction on microplastics and related environmental problems with a focus on drinking water.
• An overview of existing microplastics-related legislation, including the EU Drinking Water Directive (DWD) and the potential inclusion of microplastics in the next watch list of substances and compounds of concern for water intended for human consumption.
• A statistical overview of data collected at stakeholder workshops by MicroDrink’s consortium on public awareness and legislation related to microplastics.
Oba seminarja bosta potekala v angleškem jeziku. Po predstavitvi bosta seminarja omogočala tudi čas za vprašanja, kar bo udeležencem omogočilo neposredno sodelovanje z govorci in obravnavanje njihovih specifičnih vprašanj v zvezi z mikroplastiko.
Vljudno vabljeni!